
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Tumor Cured By Touching the Holy Quran on the Eyes

Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

I kept on doing this deed for a few weeks due to which Allah Almighty gave me health due to this sacred book. And the sign of tumor below my eyebrow finished. Subhan Allah. May Allah give us all the capability to follow the Holy Quran.

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!I have an astonishing method for curing problems with the Holy Quran that I am presenting to the readers of Ubqari. Some time ago a small tumor started developing below my right eyebrow. It was getting bigger day by day. I used to feel because of this on my eye. Someone said that when this tumor becomes a little bigger, I should have it removed with an operation. But there is a mosque near our house. The qari sahib of this mosque used to come to my house everyday to teach me Quran-e-Pak. My mother said to me that when I started reciting the Holy Quran, kiss the pages of the Holy Quran and touch them on the eyebrow and pray to Allah Almighty to solve your problem with  His mercy and for these sacred pages and to save us from this problem of operation. I kept on doing this deed for a few weeks due to which Allah Almighty gave me health due to this sacred book. And the sign of tumor below my eyebrow finished. SubhanAllah. May Allah give us all the capability to follow the Holy Quran and make us firm and truthful Muslims. (Aqsa Parveen, Haveli Lakha)

A Small Verse and a Big Thing, For the Readers of Ubqari

Respected hazrat hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!This is an incident our our family. My cousin has been married for five years. The family in which my cousin was married, the family of the bride did not like it, means that a few close relatives of the bride were not willing for this marriage. Only the father of the girl was willing. Relatives of the girl wanted to marry her with their own son. When someone would go to their house for marriage, she would stand up. At last when we went with our proposal the father of the girl agreed because he knew their intention and we were also from a well off family. That is why our proposal was accepted readily. At last the wedding happened. But after the wedding those relatives of the girl became restless. And they started running for amulets. The state of their family is that their children have become quite aged, they almost in their forties. But no one sends them a wedding proposal. That is why the relatives of the girl started applying amulets and magic on the wife of my cousin. The wife of my cousin started becoming sick quite often, she would great afraid while sleeping. After that the effect became severe. After that something would be lost from their house. At last it started happening like this that when she would put her clothes in the cupboard, she would found them cut to pieces after a few days. Some would be cut from the bottom and some from the sleeves, as if someone had cut them with scissors. And in their house there was no one except her mother-in-law so nobody could be doubted. At last we started visiting people for dum and amulets. To whoever we would go, he would say that someone has cast a spell on her. Someone would give an amulet and someone would give water after making dum on it, but to no avail. At last I found a wazifa that I wrote and gave to them. They did that wazifa. Allah was kind. Now they do not have any problem in their house. Now neither their clothes are cut, nor does the wife of my cousin get scared. By the grace of Allah, now she is healthy, as if she was before the wedding. Recite verses 68, 69 of Surah Taaha for 11 days, 100 times, and make dum on yourself. Both the husband and the wife should do it. And during this deed do not do anything else. This deed is very effective for magic. After this, to get complete redemption from magic recite the last two verses of the Holy Quran. There shall never be magic again. The Holy verse is as follows.

Taaha (Kaleem ullah, Pahaar pur)

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